There are some houses that are literally only 140,000 Yen. It cheaper than a car! Of course most of these houses are old and in the countryside, but it would be nice to have a place to go on the weekends.
I wish I had the money 😂 I live in Nagoya, the prices are insane for new houses, maybe second hand houses or apartments are less expensive but the loan... I'm not ready for this 😅 do you own your place?
I've rented houses, not just apartments. However, I haven't made the move to buy just yet.I'm not looking at new construction but previously owned apartments/manshons. One idea I have is to buy an apaato and rent out the other units, but I'm not sure about stable income to cover a mortgage.
I have also thought about buying a property and renting it out @Elizabeth TotoE I was thinking of doing something like Airbnb.
I have thought about buying one of these houses from this website:
There are some houses that are literally only 140,000 Yen. It cheaper than a car! Of course most of these houses are old and in the countryside, but it would be nice to have a place to go on the weekends.
I wish I had the money 😂 I live in Nagoya, the prices are insane for new houses, maybe second hand houses or apartments are less expensive but the loan... I'm not ready for this 😅 do you own your place?