I've rented both whole houses and apartments in the Kanto area. For reference:
一戸建て detached houses
アパート walkup apartments, typically wood frame and two-story
マンション condominium buildings usually concrete and three-plus stories What are the pros and cons of each kind of housing? Which do you prefer?
I have only lived in apartments in the Kanto region. Here is my opinion:
- Maintained by the building managers
- Usually newer and nicer
-Noisy neighbors
- High fees when you move in or out
- Can be denied by owner to move in
-Sound proof walls
- sometimes extra perks of community, e.g. Gym
- Expensive
-Only large rooms available
I don’t know much about houses in Japan, and I might be a little wrong about mansions, as I have never lived in any. How were your experiences in a house @Elizabeth TotoE ?