The JNTO's list of events is so inadequate. Among other things, it shows no listings of events in Kyushu during the entirety of June. It is pretty much what we've come to expect from the national bureaucracy, though it isn't acceptable because it is our taxpayer monies that go into such useless pablum.
There are far batter lists of events out there. Here's two that cover the whole of Japan: I live in Kyushu, I'll post a few event lists that focus on the region I live in.
Thank you! I agree that this has been a very interesting conversation. I've been working with local DMOs, bureaucracies, companies, and educational institutions for 35 years in Japan. Tourism and international affairs have been core topics, but I've also done a lot of work concerning ICT implementation (or DX today). And my core competency is in soil regeneration and environmental science.
So I've really been working on how to make local communities competitive in their appeal to younger generations and to outsiders while building a more regenerative natural environment and sustainable society. It's been my preoccupation since my university days in the early 1980s. :-)
The JNTO's list of events is so inadequate. Among other things, it shows no listings of events in Kyushu during the entirety of June. It is pretty much what we've come to expect from the national bureaucracy, though it isn't acceptable because it is our taxpayer monies that go into such useless pablum.
There are far batter lists of events out there. Here's two that cover the whole of Japan: Since I live in Kyushu, I'll post a few event lists that focus on the region I live in.