Since my family is visiting, I am trying to find a good way to explain Shintoism to them. I found this video online to explain to them. Any other ideas on how to explain Shintoism?
That video is short yet it's pretty comprehensive.This Shinto explanation with David Chart (naturalized Japanese citizen and author) looks at the practices of Shinto and the points of etiquette that are essential.Japan: Where Gods Aren't Gods and Worshipers Aren't Religious (Shinto Explained)I've shared it many times with people who've asked me about Shinto in Japan.
That video is short yet it's pretty comprehensive. This Shinto explanation with David Chart (naturalized Japanese citizen and author) looks at the practices of Shinto and the points of etiquette that are essential. Japan: Where Gods Aren't Gods and Worshipers Aren't Religious (Shinto Explained) I've shared it many times with people who've asked me about Shinto in Japan.