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Helpful Life Info - Finance

Updated: Dec 26, 2022

Helpful Life Info


Information about Systems and Procedures of Pension Benefits / Government Benefits Including Welfare / Residential Taxes & Income Tax Reporting / NISA Investment / How to Open a Bank Account & How to Use Banks


< Banks >

How to Open a Bank Account

Information about How to Open a Bank Account / Procedures at Banks

Major City Banks:

Other Banks:

Online Bank:


< Public Benefits / Pensions >

Japanese Pension Service

Information about the System, Procedures, and Application of Pension Benefits

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Overview of a Welfare System for Individuals in Poverty / Information about Requirements to Receive Benefits


< Taxes >

National Tax Agency

Nobue Yamanaka(Y's Trip channel)

Hometown Tax System / Tax Saving


< Investments >

Nobue Yamanaka(Y's Trip channel)

Mechanism of Tax Exemption by Using NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account)

Financial Services Agency, The Japanese Government

Description of an outline of registration types needed according to the primary business scheme regarding asset management, registration screening process, and requirements for those thinking of starting an asset management business.


< Appendix >

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare


List of Consulting Services and Information about Loans for Individuals in Need of Living Expenses Because of Business Suspension or Unemployment Due to COVID-19 / Financial Support for Households with Children

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications


Description & Key Points of and Q&As about Residential Taxes


Helpful Life Info

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